Thursday, August 13, 2009

Flaw in the Master Plan!!!

Well we didn't realize that the tours we wanted to take are only Friday - Monday tours. So that means that we have like 1 day to do them! D'oh

No worries.. we are going to re-evaluate our priorities! TEE HEE
There is nothing 2 mages with a flashlight and voice recorder can't acomplish on our own! Lets not forget the provisions as well.
No Doze + Mt Dew + super jumbo Pixie Stix = hellagood time!

REMEMBER: You never have to be afraid when you are out in the world. If you act like you are COMPLETELY CRAZY people tend to stay away from you. (I'm going to need a new light up wand I think)

More to come in the next few weeks regarding what tours we are doing. I hope we can manage to cram it all in with only 3 days!



  1. Excellent, you should do it like they hit the Louvre in National Lampoons European Vacation - super fast forward with that awesome 80s Euro Techno garbage playing. Sweet!

  2. I live in New Orleans. If you need any advice on cool places- email me at Have fun! -Gina

  3. Now THAT is too cool, two WOW players heading to NO to meet with a COH player. I know Gina from COH, she is good people! :)



Had to add this one!