Friday, July 31, 2009
Patch 1.1.1
Today's Patch Notes:
The 2009 Adventures in New Orleans blog has been updated so that you can now post comments without registering or filling out your life history and blood type etc.
You're welcome!!!!1 (tee hee)
Also new Achievements and Quests are being added as we speak. More to come on the next patch!
10 Daily Achievements Complete!
Saffieren has earned the achievement 10 Daily Quests!
Novaember has earned the achievement 10 Daily Quests!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Ground Transportation has been Acquired!!
Also, a big thanks to Saff's sister for renting us some helpful guidebooks from the lieberry. They are chock-full of awesome information!!!
New Orleans, get ready cause we are coming!!!! You can't stop us!!!!1
Signing off
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Public Service Announcement #1
Here are a few reasons why we don’t like Facebook:
· The name “Facebook” is dumb. It just sounds weird. Face book?? Doesn’t go together.
· FB is a haven for stalkers. It makes it way too easy for creepy people to find you, see pictures of you, and see information about you. Even if you don’t have a page, but your friends do, they could put up a picture of you for the world to see. Which leads to…
· It is a major invasion of privacy.
· We are private people. We don’t share every second of every day of our lives with ANYBODY, so why would we share with the entire world wide web?? People don’t need to know that we just woke up, that we’re about to play WoW, that we’re going to take a shower, that I just had an abortion, etc.
· On the flip side, we don’t need to know what other people are doing every second of every day. We don’t care that you are going to bed now, that you are watching “Law & Order”, or that you just took a dookie (well, that is pretty funny actually).
· We’re pretty sure FB is a cult.
The more people pester us to join FB, the less we want to join.
The more we hear people obsessing over FB, the less we want to join.
Disclaimer: the statements declared here are the opinions of Mischief Makers. Again, these are simply our opinions. If you agree or disagree and have a well-thought out opinion, feel free to go pack sand up your ass!! Or, post in the comments :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
HA! Mischief Managed!
I said "you speak funny.. My drake goes at 280% speed"
So long story short .. The king or whatever he was said I had to pay him 250g plus 100g court costs.
So I won't be taking that flight path anymore!!!
For a while I thought about frost nova-ing then blizzarding the entire room. I bet I could have gotten a lot of cloth and maybe a purple! But I was way into the building and figured I might die if I agroed the entire zone. So I let them all live. You're welcome.
So another day on the continent of North America. Overall I like this zone.
Toodles for now!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
5 Daily Achievements Complete!
Novaember has earned the achievement 5 Daily Quests!
Friday, July 17, 2009

Novaember Talullah Beasley
Arcane/Frost Mage Current
Hearth is located at the Argent Tournament in Icecrown
Traveling to the new continent of North America for the 2009 NOLA World Event

Current Hearth is located at the Argent Tournament in Icecrown
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Testing blogging via blackberry
Gathering Quest for our Adventure
Quest Log:
Currently we are gathering all our quests in our Quest Log!
Achievements for the NOLA World Event is shaping up!
There may also be some achievements for Feats of Strenght! wooooooooo!
I'm trying to figure out how to get a world server message.. The only thing I could come up with was a 'breaking news story' on CNN but somehow I don't think we want to go down that path!
Flight Paths!
So far we are going to get 3 new flight paths!! WPB, Atlanta and NOLA! SCORE!
Stay tuned for the lists and daily updates in NOLA!!!!!
The excitement is building for the event of the year!